Saturday 28th February
Run #59
3k Round Richmond Loop
I'd told myself that,
this week, I'd do the minimal each day to keep up the Streak. Earlier in the
week I had sort of thought that by the time Saturday rolled round I might
squeeze in parkrun… maybe go reeeeally slow? Concentrate on keep my heels down?
Maybe walk the hills?? But by Thursday I knew in my heart that, if I seriously
want to try and rehab an injury while still running I need the discipline to
not run if the distance is too far or the demand too high. So on Friday I made
peace with not parkrunning this week and added another week to my mental
'T-shirt tally'.
To cement my resolve I
had an extra couple of pints on Friday night, therefore ensuring the hangover
that would make staying in bed seem infinitely preferable. It did also occur to
me that if my Streak days were all parkruns I'd have had a 50 T-shirt on my
back for over a week now. Which is pretty crazy to me since I'm still 8 away
from my actual 50 parkrun T and I've
been parkrunning what feels like almost every week for over a year. Emphasis on
the 'feels like' rather than the 'almost' I guess.
So I dutifully iced
and stretched and massaged as per all the PF rehab info I've been devouring, while
mooching off the after effects of yesterday's beers then headed out for a
cruisy 3k loop round Richmond. Trying to avoid hills in Richmond without
following some very dull main roads does seriously limit routes to very small
loops and circles, or curious little shuttles along the river edge. So, while
it really is still too cold to walk much at beginning or end, I have been
running downhill, along the flat until time, then walking back up whichever
hill I end up at the bottom of. It feels seriously slack and I'm longing to
charge up a hill or two (oh the irony!). But that is a fast-lane to arch agony
so am holding back. I keep reminding myself of all the hills I've ever had to run up
that I seriously didn't want to and counting my blessings at the legitimate
excuse not to now.
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