Monday 12 January 2015

Checking What The Neighbours Are Up To

Monday 12th January
Run #12
Round the block/s 4k

I had been planning to get back to the gym today and fit the running into my treadmill warm up. With the Run Steak I have seriously neglected the gym so far this month. I haven’t felt too bad as kinda figured the karmic balance is probably being evened up by all the January-gymmers... but aware that I should be trying harder to fit some cross-training in to maintain the muscle I worked hard to get over the last year.

But I was feeling pretty rough all day. Not 'ill' but dispirited, lethargic and a tad nauseous to the extent I'd only eaten tomato soup all day - unheard of for me! Getting home in the pouring rain I tried to convince myself that a run out in the hearty British weather might shift my dwalm and sort me out. Funnily enough it did. Almost as soon as I got going I felt SO much better. I decided to keep it at a cruisey pace after yesterday's long run which made it much more restorative and enjoyable too.

I really didn't want to clock up too many k today - my calf was still twingey from yesterday’s run - so elected to run around the block. Then run a street over and around that block, and so on. I started off just randomly deciding which road to turn into and then, as I ticked off different streets, occupied my brain by trying to plot my remaining route to cover every road while re-running as few as possible. Checking the route on Strava later it was quite satisfying to see that I'd only missed the odd side road.

Yes, it was raining and yes, I did get wet. But, with my trusty peak keeping the rain out of my eyes, and with the air temp still being quite mild, all in all it was the perfect trot out to see me back to the flat feeling 100x better than I had all day.

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