Monday 26 January 2015

A Short Rush Through Rush-Hour

Monday 26th January
Run #26
4k Loop over the Railtrack with M

On what should have been a rest day after his Sunday long run M elected to come along on my Monday night run as a recovery. Which was good for me as he always has enough breath to keep up a good one sided conversation, even where I can’t respond. (Incidentally that whole “you should be able to hold a conversation while running” thing has never made sense to me. If I can hold a conversation, I’m walking. Anything above a walk and its breathing like a walrus for me).

I left it to M to pick a route so we started with one of the long downhills from the flat, enabling me to just about be able to contribute to chat for a bit. Then over the road and across the rail tracks, which never fails to give me a nervous flutter.

The route followed past Sainsburys, Homebase and along a pretty busy main road then back into Richmond and through the town centre. Given that it’s still dark before leaving work I’d forgotten it would be the peak of rush hour. It was a new experience weaving in and out of the homebound commuters but I felt we did a grand job of not pissing anyone off too much.

There’s something I like about running in busy places where almost no one else is running. So this one was a fun one. And ended on a good push up the most of the hill and a nice walk to cool down.

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