Wednesday 28 January 2015

Rain / Pain Go Away...

Wednesday 28th January
Run #28

Part 1: Runch Plans

So I realise I am behind (again!) on my blogging and still need to go back and write up Sunday and Monday. But before I do I want to tackle today because I want to write this one in 2 parts. This is the before. With my usual Wednesday evening class at 19:00 tonight I have brought my kit to work with plans to try and replicate the highly successful runch of the other week.

It does seem that the Universe may have other plans mind you.

The weather report suggests decently gusty wind and a fairly British amount of rain all day. But I spy a weather window around 2pm so that's my aim. I have packed a windcheater that M very kindly loaned me (New Balance Shadow Run Jacket in electric blue with neon yellow zips, just for the record) and my favourite peak in case it is still raining, so weather I think I have beat.

More problematic is the calf pain I woke up with. Avoiding front-foot running and my minimal trainers and trying to cut down on hills feels like its helped the PF that was threatening and, though my instep is still a tad tender to prod, the heel pain has all but gone. However, despite religious stretching and a commitment to foam rollering that saw me trying not to wake the neighbours at 6am rollering my calf this morning I have a fairly focal pain a third of the way up my right calf that twinges on toe-off. Gut feeling is that adding in sprints yesterday may have been a push too far at this stage.

So I will be taking it short and easy this lunch, with a focus on active recovery as much as possible.

Part 2: Post Runch Systems Check

I almost hit the weather window. It was certainly brightening up and I was optimistic I'd escape a soaking. But was pleased I'd gone with the windcheater anyway as the heavens doused me with a squally 5min lashing only a few yards out of the door. It was that brief however, and the heavy scudding clouds kept to themselves after that. Not until I rounded the last corner into a wall of wind did I realise I'd managed a pretty sheltered route sticking, as I had, to the local streets and mews of Belgravia, behind the office; a beautiful blue-plaque hunting, regency route

I actually did take some concentration to remember to keep it short and steady and the knot in my calf was hardly noticeable once I got the blood moving. It really does only seem to clench up on staying off my feet; definitely worst straight out of bed in the morning. I'm sure that is a key diagnostic indicator for someone in the know. I may have to track down that someone one of these days.

But until then, back to the office after a brisk shower, to finish up my workday afternoon rolling my insteps on golf balls under the desk.

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